
Demings' early campaign strategy vs. Rubio - POLITICO - Politico

Presented by the Seminole Tribe of Florida

Hello and welcome to Monday.

Building the bank — In the months since she jumped into the race against Sen. Marco Rubio, Rep. Val Demings hasn’t been zipping across the state holding campaign events.

The path — She did appear at a mid-summer Democratic Party event in Leon County. She has joined fellow Democrats on Zoom calls. But, as POLITICO’s Marc Caputo explains, she’s been spending a lot of time campaigning almost exclusively on Facebook. And it’s a strategy that's paid off as Demings booked a staggering $8.5 million in the past quarter — $2.4 million more than Rubio and more than any other Senate challenger in the country during that time period.

This is the way This has required Demings to spend money cultivating out-of-state online donors through Facebook ads. Demings adviser Joshua Karp called it the “new winning model” that has worked for other Senate Democrats and now it’s being tried out in Florida. The idea he explained is to spend money now on Facebook, Google and mail to develop a base of donors who will continue to give going forward into 2022.

Please visit Dan Newman, a Democratic strategist in Florida, however, said there is a desire by Democrats to see more of Demings. “Obviously, there is a lot on her plate, but with political outreach, a little goes a long way,” Newman told Caputo.

The stakes The plain fact is that right now Democrats are counting on Demings to lead the charge heading into 2022. Her campaign could bring in national attention — and money — and motivate Democrats at a time when the state party is reeling as it takes on not one, but two nationally-known GOP incumbents who will have plenty of money. Florida’s 2020 results — coupled with President Joe Biden’s sinking numbers in the state — have some Republicans hopeful that they can deliver a devastating body blow to Democrats next year.

HAPPENING TODAY — State Sen. Annette Taddeo is holding a press conference on the “future of Florida” outside the Department of State offices in Tallahassee, where she is expected to announce her candidacy for governor. Taddeo would join Democrats Nikki Fried and Charlie Crist in the race to challenge Gov. Ron DeSantis.

— WHERE'S RON? — Gov. DeSantis is scheduled to appear at the American Aviation Flight Academy in Brooksville with Senate President Wilton Simpson and Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran.

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THE CHALLENGER — “Dems find their anti-Rubio warrior in Val Demings,” by POLITICO’s Marc Caputo: A panicked question gripped Florida Democratic insiders this summer as Joe Biden’s approval numbers began to fade and eyes turned toward the midterm election horizon: Where’s Val Demings? For months, the Florida congresswoman challenging Sen. Marco Rubio in 2022 seemed nowhere to be found, eschewing local press and small political events typical for this election off-year, and also avoiding the national media glare in Washington.

UP NEXT — “Race for Hastings' Florida seat turns into muddled mess. And there may be a repeat in 2022,” by POLITICO’s Gary Fineout: But many observers and some of the candidates themselves are steeling themselves for the likelihood that the election won’t garner a huge turnout — and that the large number of challengers means the votes will be split between almost a dozen hopefuls. The lead candidate could wind up winning by a few hundred votes. That leaves open the real possibility that any candidate who loses by a small margin will mount a challenge in the August 2022 Democratic primary. Other candidates who sat out the crowded race this time could also jump into the 2022 contest when the voter turnout will likely be much larger.

Meanwhile — On Friday, the governor was sued again for not setting special election dates to replace the three state legislators who are required to vacate their positions to run in next month’s primary.

Tick, tick, tick Attorney Theresa Lee pointed out that DeSantis has gone 80 days without acting, a time frame that appears to be unprecedented in recent Florida history. She also pointed out that he acted much more quickly when seats held by white legislators were vacated. “That Governor DeSantis has failed to call a special election for these House and Senate seats held by Black legislators in Black-majority districts is telling and galling,” Lee said.

WHO MET WHO? — “Nevada Senate hopeful Laxalt testifies at campaign finance trial," by POLITICO’s Josh Gerstein: While Adam Laxalt told a prosecutor that Rudy Giuliani introduced him to Lev Parnas, Parnas attorney Joseph Bondy said records indicate the Senate hopeful told the FBI at one point that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis actually connected the men. “I don’t recall if that’s what I told the FBI,” Laxalt said. “As we’re closing the campaign, I believe we spoke and compared notes about whether he, in fact, was helping him, but that’s my only recollection about speaking about Mr. Parnas with Mr. DeSantis.”

FIRST IN PLAYBOOK Democrat Nikki Fried is creating a Latin American and Caribbean Council that will advise her race for governor while at the same helping connect the campaign to community leaders. “To understand Florida and deliver for its citizens, our campaign needs advice from the best minds working on the complex LAC region and to listen closely to communities’ stories — and the stories of businesses and families all over the state with ties to the LAC region,” Fried said in a statement.

On the list Some of those on Fried’s council include Mike Fernandez, a South Florida health care billionaire and Cuban exile who used to be a prominent Republican donor but left the party due to the rise of Donald Trump. Others include Mary Estimé-Irvin, a North Miami city commissioner; Adelys Ferro, program director of the Venezuelan American Caucus; Linda Julien, Miami Gardens' first Haitian American Council Member; Natascha Otero-Santiago, a community engagement strategist focused on the Puerto Rican population; Evelyn Pérez-Verdía, the campaign’s senior adviser on Latino issues; Michele Manatt, a Democratic strategist and U.S. foreign policy commentator; Felice Gorordo, CEO of eMerge Americas; Eduardo Gamarra, a political science professor at Florida International University; Marco Frieri, a Colombian American political and economic analyst.

GREATEST HITS — “Gov. Ron DeSantis touts pandemic policies during speech to Sarasota GOP,” by Sarasota Herald-Tribune’s Zac Anderson: “As Florida emerges from another brutal wave of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths, Gov. Ron DeSantis fired up a GOP crowd in Sarasota Friday with a strident defense of his less restrictive approach to the pandemic, declaring: “We stand here in Florida as the focal point of freedom in this country.”

— “Charlie Crist talks about legalizing marijuana, community development in Pensacola visit,” by Pensacola News Journal’s Alix Miller

— “Nick Duran won’t seek a fourth term in Florida House,” by Florida Politics’ Ryan Nicol


The daily rundown — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that there were 2,576 Covid-19 infections on Friday. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that 3,001 beds were being used in the state for Covid-19 patients. The Florida Hospital Association reported Friday that 14.1 percent of adult patients in intensive care units are infected with Covid-19.

The toll The Florida Department of Health reported on Friday that 57,859 people have died in the state from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, including 123 fatalities that were reported between Oct. 8 and Oct. 14. The number of deaths in Florida has increased by 48 percent since July 30.

AFTERMATH — “These Republicans torpedoed vaccine edicts — then slipped in the polls,” by POLITICO’s Lisa Kashinsky: But new research shows governors in states without vaccine mandates — or where they’ve outright prohibited such a requirement — have “significantly lower” approval ratings for their handling of Covid-19. While many of these governors remain popular, some have seen dips in their overall approval ratings in recent months as their states faced the latest wave of coronavirus.

By the numbers In states with vaccine mandates, 52 percent of people approve or strongly approve of their governors’ handling of the pandemic, according to the latest survey from the Covid States Project, which has been tracking gubernatorial approval ratings for the past year and a half. That coronavirus approval rating drops to 42 percent for governors in states with no vaccine requirements. And it takes yet another hit — dropping to just 36 percent — in states where governors have barred vaccine mandates.

Response But aides to DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott defended their actions as doing what’s right by their constituents and combating the confusion stemming from Biden’s yet-to-be-outlined vaccine requirements for federal workers and businesses with more than 100 employees. “Leadership is about doing the right thing, which is not always the most popular thing, especially in the short term,” DeSantis aide Christina Pushaw said.

KEEP IT DARK — “For 105 days, COVID’s death toll in Florida counties went missing,” by Tampa Bay Times’ Ian Hodgson: “Instead of including county deaths in its weekly reports, the state directed the public to find that information via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
But the CDC relied on Florida’s online portal of COVID data — which the state also took down in June. The CDC’s tally of deaths for Florida went blank. The number of people dying in each Florida county went missing from June 4 through Sept. 17.”

Important question — “So why doesn’t the state share that data directly with the public — just like it had been doing until June? ‘The Department of Health, an agency with approximately 12,000 experts including epidemiologists, is equipped to make decisions regarding the best and most understood data,’ [Florida Department of Health spokesperson Weesam] Khoury said. University of South Florida virologist Dr. Michael Teng countered that response: ‘That they are determining for us what is the ‘best and most understood data’ is paternalistic and contrary to the idea of transparency in government.’”

— “Florida ‘vaccine passport’ law could generate millions in fines, but confusion about it reigns,” by Orlando Sentinel’s Steven Lemongello and Sun Sentinel’s David Fleshler

— “State withholds Leon County School Board salaries over mask policy,” by Tallahassee Democrat’s Ana Goñi-Lessan


FOLLOW THE MONEY — “Publix heiress, funder of Jan. 6 rally, gave $150,000 to GOP attorneys general association,” by Washington Post’s Beth Reinhard, Jacqueline Alemany and Tom Hamburger: “A wealthy Trump donor who helped finance the rally in Washington on Jan. 6 also gave $150,000 to the nonprofit arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association, records show, funds that a person familiar with the contribution said were intended in part to promote the rally. The nonprofit organization paid for a robocall touting a march that afternoon to the U.S. Capitol to ‘call on Congress to stop the steal. On Dec. 29, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, daughter of the founder of the Publix grocery store chain, gave the previously undisclosed contribution to RAGA’s nonprofit Rule of Law Defense Fund, or RLDF, records reviewed by The Washington Post show.”

— “Trump won Florida, but online and at your door, his supporters are trying to force an audit,” by Tampa Bay Times’ Steve Contorno, Romy Ellenbogen and Allison Ross:


STEPPING IN — “DeSantis suspends debt collections for unemployment overpayments ‘indefinitely,’” by Tampa Bay Times’ Lawrence Mower: “Facing criticism over the latest unemployment debacle, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday ordered the state’s jobless agency not to send Floridians to debt collectors if they’ve been issued an “overpayment” notice for their unemployment claims. In the last several months, thousands of Floridians who filed for unemployment benefits have been mailed notices from the Department of Economic Opportunity stating they must pay back sometimes thousands of dollars — or face being sent to debt collectors.”

INTERESTING TIMING — “Critics question proposed ban on Florida Bar investigating sitting constitutional officers,” by Orlando Sentinel’s Monivette Cordeiro: “Critics are questioning a proposal from the Florida Bar that would ban the organization from investigating complaints against sitting constitutional officers, including the attorney general. The Florida Supreme Court has final consideration over the amendment, which Bar staff argue is a clarification — not a change — to a situation where the Bar currently has no jurisdiction. The Bar’s Board of Governors signed off on the measure in July after it sailed through a committee on disciplinary procedures unanimously in March.”

POT, KETTLE — “‘Reckless’ words from teacher unions hurt recruiting, Florida leader says," by Tampa Bay Times’ Jeffrey S. Solochek: “Florida Department of Education officials say negative comments about the state’s schools from teacher union leaders are hurting efforts to recruit more educators. They’re calling for a change in tone. ‘When you create this narrative that schools aren’t safe, then wonder why people aren’t entering the profession, I would challenge the leadership,’ K-12 chancellor Jacob Oliva said in an interview with the Tampa Bay Times.”


WHAT HAPPENS NEXT — “Nikolas Cruz to plead guilty to Parkland school massacre,” by The Associated Press: “The guilty plea would set up a penalty phase where Nikolas Cruz, 23, would be fighting against the death penalty and hoping for life without parole. Attorneys for Cruz told Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer that he will plead guilty Wednesday to 17 counts of first-degree murder in the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The pleas will come with no conditions and prosecutors still plan to seek the death penalty. That will be decided by a jury, but that trial has not been scheduled.”

HIS VIEW — “Scot Peterson: Please don’t blame me for deaths in Parkland school shooting,” by Sun Sentinel’s Rafael Olmeda: “In his first interview since he was criminally charged in the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, the vilified deputy who took cover while a gunman shot students and staff is doubling down on his defense: in the chaos of the scene, he said, he did not know whether the shooting was coming to or from the 1200 building at the school.”


WHAT’S GOING ON? Detained Florida youths rioted. The staff was accused of abuse. Then, pizza for everyone,” by Christina Saint Louis for The Miami Herald: “[Sherice] Latimore’s son later told her that he participated in the riot because it was the only way to call attention to the constant abuse of detainees there, she said. 'They were abusing them,' she said about the staff. 'They weren’t feeding them. Everything that they were supposed to be doing, they were not doing.' After an investigation by the Department of Juvenile Justice’s Inspector General found 'possibly systemic problems,' DJJ quietly replaced the operator, TrueCore Behavioral Solutions. But TrueCore is still a central player in Florida’s largely privatized juvenile justice network. It remains in charge of nine other facilities and holds contracts worth $350 million.”

AWFUL — “Gang with past abductions blamed for kidnapping missionaries,” by The Associated Press’ Dánica Coto and Evens Sanon: “A notorious Haitian gang known for brazen kidnappings and killings was accused by police Sunday of abducting 17 missionaries from a U.S.-based organization. Five children were believed to be among those kidnapped, including a 2-year-old. The 400 Mawozo gang kidnapped the group in Ganthier, a community that lies east of the capital of Port-au-Prince, Haitian police inspector Frantz Champagne told The Associated Press.”

FOR YOUR RADAR — “Venezuela halts talks after Maduro ally’s extradition to US," by The Associated Press’ Joshua Goodman: "Venezuela’s government said Saturday it would halt negotiations with its opponents in retaliation for the extradition to the U.S. of a close ally of President Nicolás Maduro who prosecutors believe could be the most significant witness ever about corruption in the South American country. Jorge Rodríguez, who has been heading the government’s delegation, said his team wouldn’t travel to Mexico City for the next scheduled round of negotiations."

— “Feds probe Miami investment firm over millions linked to suspected Venezuelan kleptocrats,” by Miami Herald’s Jay Weaver

— “As rents in South Florida soar out of reach, more people are finding themselves priced out – and onto the streets,” by Sun Sentinel’s Amber Randall


BIRTHDAYS: State Rep. Amber Mariano … former Rep. Dennis Ross .... Caitlin ConantDara Kam, senior writer/editor with the News Service of Florida ... Alma Gonzalez, former general counsel at AFSCME … Valerie Soto Orama

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Demings' early campaign strategy vs. Rubio - POLITICO - Politico
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