
5 Types of Content to Strengthen Your Marketing Strategy - Inc.

By now, you likely know the power of content marketing. When you start producing valuable content on your company blog, podcast, or vlog, all the other forms of marketing and growth are immediately easier to execute. Content not only helps with search engine optimization, but it also helps with PR, business development, social media, and even fundraising.

Few things are as effective in establishing your brand as an authority as industry content written and produced by you. As important as the quality of the content is, quantity is also crucial. People like consistency so you should not start unless you're prepared to continue.

Now that you get how important content is, the next question is what types of content to produce. Here are five examples of good content you can produce now that'll be valuable to those interested in your space. 

Cover the hot trends in your industry. 

Everything you do in the content space, you should do with one goal in mind: Establish the company as a thought leader. If the type of content you're writing doesn't serve that purpose, then don't write it.

What better way to establish your name than to let your audience know what the hot trends are in your space? If, for example, you are building a company in the VR space, then tell me what to pay attention to. What are some of the most exciting things happening in the VR world? If I am a person or a company interested in VR, the goal is for me to perceive your blog as the leading authority on all things VR.

Recap the latest news.

In addition to general trends, what are some of the newest things happening in your space? Remember the goal here: to establish yourself as an authority.

By covering all the news in your space, you are telling your audience that you are the ultimate source of information about your industry. Maybe make this post on the first day of the week so you can get your audience up to date on what's been happening.

Interview a leader in your space. 

I am a huge fan of interviews. When you interview someone in your space, you accomplish three very important things. First, you establish or strengthen the relationship with that person by offering them a stage. Second, you gain targeted traffic when they share the interview with their audience. And third, you elevate your brand by association with that leader.  

The magic of interviews is that they achieve a pretty instant return on investment and they take little to no effort. Think how long it takes to send someone ten questions by email. Not that long, but the return, as mentioned above, is huge. 

Create a list of authorities in your market. 

When you create a list of the top 20 investors, journalists, CEOs, or any other category in your space, you accomplish all the things mentioned in the point above, but at scale. 

Each of those investors will get a ping that they are featured on some blog they never heard of. They'll go into your blog to check it out. As soon as they do, you have gotten on their radar. Then they'll share it, which drives you relevant traffic. After all, these are leaders in your space. And again, you elevate your brand by being associated with these leaders.

Creating such a list might take more time than an interview, but it still takes less time than writing a regular article. Each person on the list should have a thumbnail image of their face and one line describing why they're being featured. On top of the list, consider making a collage of all the faces so that when you share the list on social media, all the people you featured see their faces and are more inclined to share it with their audience. 

Review a new solution or product you've encountered.

Finally, in addition to trends, news, interviews, and lists, share some other solutions in the space. Perhaps, and this requires guts, consider sharing what your competitors are doing. Yes, you read that right-- feature your competitors. Nothing screams confidence more than having the courage to promote your competitors. After all, exuding confidence is what you're after. 

When people see that you're not afraid to promote your competition, they automatically perceive you as a real leader who knows that their product is strong enough to beat the competition. 

Those are only some content ideas but there are so many more. You can try opinion pieces, thought leadership articles by the company's executives, or even an article about where your industry will be in a decade, according to you; the authority on the space.

The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of

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April 06, 2022 at 01:50PM

5 Types of Content to Strengthen Your Marketing Strategy - Inc.
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