
Surivior's Final Five reveal strategy secrets and explain why they believe they deserve to be Sole Survivor -

Published: 15 December 2023

Joel Dommett and the cast of Survivor are pictured on a beach. The contestants stand in two tribes behind him on the sand with provisions in front of them. To the right, a wood fire burns.

Hosted by Joel Dommett, the ultimate physical and psychological game comes to a nail biting conclusion as the remaining five players compete to outwit, outplay and outlast their rivals. Who will make up the final three and who will emerge victorious, winning the life changing prize of £100,000 and the title of Sole Survivor?

Survivor concludes on Saturday 16 December - the penultimate episode will air at 6pm, followed by the final at 9.05pm, on BBC One and iPlayer


Survivor Final Five


Survivor contestant Christopher stands on the beach wearing an open leopard print shirt, smiling

How does it feel to make the final five? What does it mean to you?

I didn’t think I would last the first week but getting to the final five is crazy! It’s like one of those pinch me moments. Getting to the final five has shown me how tough I really am, how I can adapt in tough situations and give my absolute all in challenges to survive in this extremely tough game! It means so much to me to say, I have survived this far and to get to the final five is such an incredible achievement.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in getting to the final five?

The biggest challenge, other than the lack of food and sleeping on hard bamboo, is the sheer paranoia and mental strain of the game. Constantly feeling paranoid that you’re being talked about, people are plotting to vote you off, not knowing where you stand with people, trying to cope with not being wanted in any tribe and hearing your name being called out at tribal council is so daunting.

Have you stuck to your strategy that you had on day one and how has your strategy evolved throughout the game?

My strategy in the beginning was to lay low, not stand out and don’t do anything major until the time was right to make moves. I feel like I kept to that strategy but in the game of Survivor, you have to adapt and what you think the plan might be, is not what happens. My strategy definitely evolved in the game, I had to think fast on my feet and try to dodge that target when it was on my back. I genuinely was not giving up and trying to smash the challenges and build new relationships with a tribe that wanted me out.

What is your path to the final three now?

My path to the final three is to charm everyone in the tribe and see if I can start fresh and build a new alliance. I could essentially position myself right in the middle where both sides need me for the numbers. If I can make this happen, it could put me in a powerful position in the game, especially if I can win the immunity.

What’s been your biggest take away from the experience up to this point?

The biggest take away from this experience is how I have always doubted myself and never really believed in myself 100%. I genuinely didn’t think I could sleep on a beach surrounded by scorpions, tarantulas, snakes, lizards, mosquitos and endure some of the toughest challenges. I pushed myself to my limits, got knocked down LITERALLY and got back up to fight for survival. A lot of this game is more mentally challenging than physical, and I feel like I have proven that I am far more capable, resilient and able to get further than I imagined!

Why do you deserve to be the sole survivor?

I deserve to be the Sole Survivor because I have been extremely instrumental in getting some big characters and players out of this game. I was the main investigator when Ren got the small fish, I made sure everyone saw they were untrustworthy and planted the seeds to get them voted off. I was central to Lee getting voted off. I bid on the shampoo and conditioner that gained me a clue to the hidden immunity idol, which I found with Ashleigh and I played at the perfect time which kept me in the game. I was the main target where a whole tribe is all voting for one person, Survivor's most wanted person and I never gave up! I have been dodging bullets, I have won most of the rewards while using these opportunities to build new relationships I have played the game, been a massive target, found and played an immunity idol, managed to make some big moves and survive. Some people were happy to be on the beach, I had to fight to be there!


Survivor contestant Hannah stands on the beach wearing a black short sleeved shirt over a green, blue and white t-shirt

How does it feel to make the final five? What does it mean to you?

Making it to the final five is seriously so surreal! Thinking about how we kicked off this game with 18 people on day one and managing to come this far in a game that's just brutal physically, emotionally, and mentally—I can't help but feel super proud of myself. There were so many moments when I questioned whether I could keep pushing myself mentally, but I had to keep telling myself that I am enough, I am strong, and I can do this! So, hitting this milestone, all I can say is that I'm just so damn proud of myself!

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in getting to the final five?

The most significant challenge I've encountered in reaching this point is the departure of the people I trust the most. Additionally, allowing myself to break the cycle of consistently prioritising others over myself has been a considerable hurdle. It's a tendency I exhibit in my personal life, and I was doing the same in the game. However, I had to break that pattern and prioritise myself, which proved to be challenging. I don't think I would have made it to this point if I hadn't made that change.

Have you stuck to your strategy that you had on day one and how has your strategy evolved throughout the game?

From the outset, my strategy was to cultivate a robust social game by establishing genuine and authentic connections with as many individuals as possible. The goal was to earn their trust and utilize these relationships as protective shields, especially challenge threats. I've remained committed to this strategy throughout the game, making certain adjustments and adaptations along the way.

What is your path to the final three now?

I have dedicated the majority of my time in this game to putting in a lot of effort to build strong relationships with people. Now, I find myself in a position where I am in control, knowing where everyone stands. I have developed close connections with everyone in the final five, and I genuinely believe I can beat each and every one of them to win the title of sole survivor. I have also built strong relationships with everyone on the jury throughout this game and believe that once I make it to the final 3, I will get their votes.

What’s been your biggest take away from the experience up to this point?

Honestly, it's been a rollercoaster of challenges, and yeah, it's been flipping hard, but in the midst of it, I've discovered this inner of strength within myself that I never knew existed—pretty wild. Trust has turned out to be a precious commodity, with a lot of "can't trust anyone" moments, and that realisation hits you hard. Also, hitting those points where you feel like you're on the brink, and just pushing through anyway, has shown me there's hope even when things seem overwhelmingly tough.

Why do you deserve to be sole survivor?

I believe I deserve to be the sole survivor because I've played strategically, using shields to progress in the game. I've made and executed significant moves when required, propelling myself further. On a personal level, I've experienced substantial growth and learning throughout this journey. I've performed well in challenges, and my social game has been impeccable.


Survivor contestant Leilani wears a cropped sports top and smiles, standing on the beach in the sun

How does it feel to make the final five? What does it mean to you?

I started this game with a target on my back since I was first to pass the barrels in the first immunity challenge….I have never pretended I’m more than I am, I’ve never hid behind an idol and I’ve been fair game in every Tribal Council I have faced. So to still be here shows that maybe you shouldn’t underestimate the underdog.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in getting to the final five?

My game is a social one so my biggest challenge has been trying to read people correctly, identifying in each tribe member what they need from me, knowing when to speak less so words can’t be used against me and to navigate who needs to hear what in terms of emotional support and when to then become a trusted and valued tribe member.

Have you stuck to your strategy that you had on day one and how has your strategy evolved throughout the game?

Day one I had no strategy, I learnt on the ground… however luckily, I am managing to strike that balance between playing dumb to disarm threat level, being brutally honest so people know where my integrity is placed and playing psychological warfare with a smile on my face and a dance move here and there!

What is your path to the final three now?

Up until now I have felt secure in terms of not being up for the vote and I didn’t strive for immunity. I gave everything for food rewards, but I have energy levels left and my brain power is very much on fire now, so I will pull what I’m made of out of the bag for the final push because now it really means something. Now it’s attainable... now I’m one of five not one of 18 so the fire in my belly now needs to rage!

What’s been your biggest take away from the experience up to this point?

The biggest takeaway from this experience is what I already knew…. that people really do judge oneself on surface levels and if only they looked deeper into a person they may see wisdom, intelligence and game but generally if you package it nicely, paint on a killer smile and play dumb you can get away with murder.

Why do you deserve to be sole survivor?

I deserve to be the sole survivor because against all odds, being the oldest female contestant, the shortest contestant, the lightest in body weight and the only mother left, which is hugely relevant having the added pain every waking moment of leaving my child, I am still standing strong…I am surviving the game and that’s the whole purpose of this game is to survive it whether that’s smashing challenges or not I am proof that underdogs are worthy.


Survivor contestant Matthew stands on the beach wearing a cream shirt over a blue t-shirt, smiling with the sea in the background

How does it feel to make the final five? What does it mean to you?

Making the final five hasn’t been easy… but I’m so proud of myself. I’ve embraced all of the elements and indulged myself into the game. Most of all I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in getting to the final five?

The biggest challenge I’ve faced getting to the final five is definitely when I forgot to lock the lobster box… I thought my game could be over, I was fighting for my life. It was chaos!

Have you stuck to your strategy that you had on day one and how has your strategy evolved throughout the game?

I knew people would underestimate me from day one. I always knew to expect the unexpected and I have been ready to adapt my strategy to whatever situations I get put in. In this game adaptation is huge, I knew I needed to keep all my avenues open as there are so many ways this game can be played.

What is your path to the final three now?

To get to the final three I need to choose wisely who I trust, and ultimately decide who I want to be sitting next to at the final tribal council. I want to have options and need to keep everyone on side so I can choose what is the best combination of people to bring to the end.

What’s been your biggest take away from the experience up to this point?

I’ve learned so much about myself, making decisions under pressure with big risks attached to them is something that takes strength and I’ve shown that. I’ve also just loved living outside being present with only the game to focus on. Being with people from all walks of life, learning so much from everyone.

Why do you deserve to be sole survivor?

I deserve to be the sole survivor because I haven’t taken the easy options to get here, I’ve played the game in the best possible way for myself. I’ve played the game really well socially, never cutting all of my ties, and always making sure I have a backup plan. I’ve made big moves and backed myself all the way. I’ve played with so much passion, I’m giving it everything I have.


Survivor contestant Pegleg wears a patterned short sleeved shirt and a backwards baseball cap, standing with arms folded on the beach

How does it feel to make the final five? What does it mean to you?

Making final five was a massive target for me and I'm super stoked to have made it this far. Making final five puts me in the position of being one of, if not the longest lasting and highest placed amputee in Survivor history. It was always on my radar to make this a reality and I'm so happy to have achieved another goal.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in getting to the final five?

The biggest challenge so far has been trying to steer the game from the middle, sowing seeds of doubt and letting them grow. Playing big moves from the middle with Hannah and letting others take the blame for it has been an interesting twist to my game.

Have you stuck to your strategy that you had on day one and how has your strategy evolved throughout the game?

My strategy was always to be flexible and adaptable. A solid concrete strategy was never going to work and I would have come across as too much of a hard player. So I stuck to my non-strategy strategy.

What is your path to the final three now?

My path to the final three is laid out now the big guns are gone. Stick with Hannah to take down Christopher and win immunity. From there it's a clear run to final three, I feel my social game has been strong and have strong friendships on the jury so the title of Sole Survivor is within reach.

What’s been your biggest take away from the experience up to this point?

My biggest take away from this has been putting myself up against people half my age and holding my own. Coming into Survivor I knew I would have to dig deep and push myself. I did this and have gone toe to toe with everyone and held my own, if I hadn't I wouldn't have made final five. At no point have I tried to use the disability card for sympathy or an easy ride through to final five, I have earned it on my own merits.

Why do you deserve to be sole survivor?

I deserve to be the Sole Survivor because I have played a strong under-the-radar stealth game and not just hidden behind other people. I've also given 100% and shown the youngsters how it's done. Winning Survivor would be the ultimate achievement and a step closer to my off-grid eco log cabin .

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December 16, 2023 at 12:43AM

Surivior's Final Five reveal strategy secrets and explain why they believe they deserve to be Sole Survivor -
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